Pengaruh Atribut Produk terhadap E-Impulse Buying dengan UWB dan HWB sebagai Mediasi Belanja Online
(Studi Empiris Terhadap pada Siswa SMA Yappenda Jakarta)
This study aims to examine whether there is an effect of Product Attributes on E-impulse Buying by mediating Utilitarian Web Browsing and Hedonic Web Browsing in online shopping for Students and Students at Yappenda High School Jakarta. This research uses a quantitative approach, which is measured by using Path Analysis SmartPLS 3.0. The population of this study is students who are in Yappenda High School Jakarta. The sample is determined based on the purpose sampling method, with a total sample of 100 respondents. The data used in this study are secondary data. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire The results of the study prove that the variety of selection and price attributes directly influence the utilitarian web browsing, while the sensory attribute does not directly affect the utilitarian web browsing. Variety of selection and sensory attribute directly affect hedonic web browsing while the price attribute does not directly affect hedonic web browsing. Utilitarian Web Browsing has no direct effect on e-impulse buying, Hedonic Web Browsing has a direct effect on e-impulse buying. Utilitarian web browsing does not mediate the effect of product attributes (Variety of selection, price attributes and sensory attributes) on e-impulse buying. Hedonic web browsing mediates the effect of Variety of selection and sesory attribute on e-impulse buying. Hedonic web browsing does not mediate the effect of Price attribute on e-impulse buying.
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